Unit2 My family PartA 课件 (19张PPT)
分类:三年级下册英语课件 来源:会员分享
导读:Unit2 My family PartA 课件 (19张PPT)下载,简介:(Warm upSing a song Boy and girl Boy and girl I am a boy and you are a girl. I am boy and you are a girl. I am a boy and you are a girl. Do you want t)...
版本: | 人教版(PEP) |
类型: | 课件 |
地区: | 全国/ |
文件: | 17.698 MB |
Unit2 My family PartA 课件 (19张PPT)下载,简介:(Warm upSing a song Boy and girl Boy and girl I am a boy and you are a girl. I am boy and you are a girl. I am a boy and you are a girl. Do you want t)

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